How much time do you spend with yourself doing nothing? sleeping doesn't count! I'm guessing not a lot and for a workaholic like me, 'not a lot' is an understatement. There's tons of reasons why I work like I do but this year I said to myself moaning was sooooooooooo last year! 2011 I do something about it so first step was to schedule a day off.. some time out just for me myself and I. These are what I found to be the perfect components of a time out session:
LIE IN: Sleep is vital for a healthy body and mind. I recently learnt that as our sleep cycles are 90minutes long, if we sleep for at least 5 full cycles we will wake up feeling even more fabulous! So scrap your 8 hour sleep regime and try 7.5! I decided to have 9 hours .. pure bliss..
PAMPER: I don't think pampering should be considered a luxury. Make it regular and your body will thank you for it. I needed an all over tlc session. Took a trip to my local cosmetics store and picked up my favourite body scrub (soap and glory), face mask (garnier), hair conditioner (doo-gro) and spent a good hour or four in the bathroom doing what a girl does best. O and for all you animal print lovers .. this nail pain is a must! I think its the novelty of watching the paint crack before your eyes that does it for me. You paint a base colour of your choice apply the 'magic' nail paint on top and Barry M does the rest.. this is the end result. love it!
LET YOUR HAIR DOWN: who needs an energy drink, when you have fabulous friends! I am an only child and the majority of cousins, uncles etc I do have are all abroad so my girls are my family. Laughter & dancing heals all wounds in my book. So my head wasnt 100% the next day (blame it on the alcohol) but my soul was still laughing :D

ps. these nights are usually strictly girls only but as my cousin and her man were on holiday in London, he was the exception !
CHOCOLATE: I consumed a lot of food during my time out which was perhaps not the best idea given I am preparing to get back into my skinny jeans but the one ingredient I don't regret is chocolate. With all this pressure to be skinny and eat salads.. (really?!) its important to treat yourself and chocolate is good for you! I'm not talking the whole 500g thang but a few squares. GUILTY PLEASURES are a must ;)
DO NOTHING: ...not a thing, nada, just find a quiet place and relax. the sun was suprisingly out that day so I took a walk to nowhere and back. stepped out of my box and thought about me, my life, my goals, my fears, my blessings. I realised that as hard as I have been working to get ahead, who I am has been falling behind. The energetic, confident, fun, passionate, wild, kind, hilarious, sexy, intelligent, go getting, skillful young woman that I want to be will never fully form unless I invest time into her.
So I hereby give up giving up, time out for moi! Kisses..........