In about 4 week’s time, we will be on holiday in sunny
I’ve already have some tracks to chillax to em Lisboa:
awwww, the beaches, the bars/clubs, the food, the wine, the caprihana's, the scenery, the music, my girls.... I can go on...
Unlike you Stacey.... I am a through and through City gal! Anything green does not sit well with me :s
Are You a Country or City Girl? Your Result: City Girl! You like the excitement of the city. The bright lights, the sounds, the scents... You aren't partial to farm work or caring for animals other than ones like cats. You enjoy the unpredictability of the city; the surprises awaiting you at every corner. Get on out there, city girl! | |
Town Girl | |
Country Girl! | |
Are You a Country or City Girl? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
And we managed to squeeze in some sillyness at the park!!!
They say that the older you get, the more you begin to appreciate the outdoors... because you realise that your days to do that are limited. BUT I think that the older we get the more we grab onto our childhood, the simple things in life- like running around in the park and so we should :D
Are You a Country or City Girl? Your Result: Town Girl So you're not exactly a country girl, but not a city girl either. Sure, you like the excitement of cities, but the noise, pollution, and crimes aren't exactly perfect. And country life is not a piece of pie, either. Farm work, caring for pets, seasonal allergies, and different things other people enjoy. So what are you if you're not a city or country girl? A town girl! Still has the hustle-and-bustle of cities, the serenity of the country, but without unpleasant add-ons. Rock it, town girl! | |
City Girl! | |
Country Girl! | |
Are You a Country or City Girl? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |