What a moment I had yesterday! It all started as a normal Thursday - at work, a training day and then I began to day dream. Wouldn't it be nice to escape the computer screen and run around in the sunshine... ok maybe not run just stroll lol. Nehoo 2 minutes later Xuna messaged me on my Blackberry and said Diva has 3 free theatre tickets for a show in less than an hours time!!! I said well I could be out early today (wishful thinking)... next thing I knew the training man said lets wrap it up here and instead of going back to the office I ran away... and next thing I knew was on a bus to Piccadilly!haha

You really have to grab each opportunity and run with it! We all met at the theatre and ran in just on time. If you're ever in central London I suggest you go and see this production. 'HAIR'... based on the 70s. Quite low scale and alternative but we loved ittt!! It really made my afternoon ;D

You wouldn't believe how easy it is to live the high life on a budget- we discovered this in Lisbon but it can work in London too. In the last week we have had free drinks, a half price meal , got free theatre seats and walked the red carpet! Its always worth signing up to websites and visiting student sites for special offers. No one need know what's really in your purse ;)

From now on me and the girls have made a vow to always be ready for randomness like this... we only live once after all!
Friday today... finally get to see boo coco! been too long girlll... i think a meeting plus wiiine is in order to discuss our future outings! i agree Xuna- so much to do before we are 30!!! woooooop woooooop .. C u later xxxxxx
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