30 July 2010
Ate logo Londres, Ola Luanda
27 July 2010
Remember back in Lisboa?.......

26 July 2010
Lisboa Flash Back Video Part 1
25 July 2010
Super Sweet Birthdays!!!

22 July 2010
Gowns and Mortar boards

19 July 2010
Trendy Toddler!
So its Monday.. Time to swap my leather jacket for my blazer..
I had a great day yesterday. Went to visit some family in oxford, in particular my gorgeous god daughter! It had been too long and we had so much to catch up on ... Her new puppy, her birthday plans and fashion of course!
O and she's 2yrs going on 33, I mean 3 yrs old by the way. As I painted her nails with her choice of Rimmels 'green with envy' to match her dress (her words not mine) it got me thinking fashion victims are getting younger and younger! I remember the days I would be happy skipping about in an aunties hand made dress with a matching cardigan. These days babies are rocking skinny jeans!!
Maybe I'm just hating on trendy toddlers but is it time we thought about how are obsessions impact kids and go back to basics ? Or is it best kids are introduced to the fashion world sooner rather than later?
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14 July 2010
Xuna a-la-Crop is Back!

13 July 2010
Life is Great... laladiladilala
12 July 2010
Boo! Coco's turns 220! I mean 22!

Dear God...
11 July 2010
100th post YAY!!
10 July 2010
Mobile blog
So, I'm sitting in the surgery, waiting for my 3rd and second to last injection that I need before I go to Angola. And oooohhhhhh... Am I dreading the pain :( only thing getting me through my anxiety is the thought of me touching down there in less than 3 week! Home sweet home or not so home sweet home?!
After all, I have never been there, and have lived here in the UK all my life... But there is where my parents lived and grew up, there is where my heritage resides, though unlike my parents, I can't call Angola my home. In some sense, I feel lost :s Hmmmmm... Maybe its the jabs in my body talking. Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange9 July 2010
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away"

Friday today... finally get to see boo coco! been too long girlll... i think a meeting plus wiiine is in order to discuss our future outings! i agree Xuna- so much to do before we are 30!!! woooooop woooooop .. C u later xxxxxx