I just discovered how gullible I am today, as a brave someone (You know who you are fool) played an April fools prank on me today. Not funny!
I had a good week to start of with, but the remainder and majority of this week, I have been sick and in my bed trying to recover! This means I had plenty time on my hands to do complete and utter nonsensical rubbish! (Don't worry, I did do some work too lol)
Most of my time was spent watching a comedy series from tuga called 'Cenas de casamento' (wedding scenes) which is basically about the everyday lives of 3 very different couples.
It's very humorous and different. Kind of a breath of fresh air from all the British & American shows I watch.
Other than that... I also went back to a couple of episodes of the favourite 'Sunset Beach' and rediscovered my love for Eddie Cirian 'Cole Dechanel'! yummy!!!

Only God know what I would do to this man if I ever came face to face with him! lol
Oooooohhhhh naughty naught naughty! Your mum's hiding under the bed after her steamy hot session with your man...lol
But you still gotta love him! :D
Finally, (on a serious note) something that really did impact my week this week was a documentary I watch on BBC Three called 'The most Dangerous Place In the World For Women' (I had constant phone call reminders from friends telling me to watch it -My mum is part Congolese-lol)
It followed the trip of a Congolese girl who went back to to visit her country for the first time after being sent to the UK by her parents.
It was really touching as it uncovered some truths about the country.
Although, I was partially aware that this happened, I didn't know to what extent and the damage it was causing to both women/children and the country itself.
Women and children (as young as 6 months) are being systematically raped/gang raped (some times up to 12 men at one time) by soldiers/rebels (these are the men who are supposed to protect the country if anything), some are beaten, killed and even mutilated.
It's sick to know that such things happen in the world today and yet we as people, just because our lives are ok, we turn a blind eye to it all. It really does hurt me to say that. I know a lot of people did watch this programme and was very touched by it... but I am pretty sure that at least an hour after the programme was finished, it was forgotten about and everyone went back to there normal everyday life. Especially people from the country itself.
I don't know exactly what it is I want to do... but all I know is that I want to contribute my skills, my knowledge, my ideas, my support to help those who are less fortunate then me....
There's a saying: "People can take away everything from you, but no one can take away what you learn."
Te logo,

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