Mainly because of boredom and lack of growth ...the hair situation is an ongoing issue for me- well for any black girl! I've changed my hairstyle more times than I've eaten Nandos chicken- which is a lot!!!! So what next... gotta keep it splashhy...
Cassie is soo 'I hate her pretty' she could carry off any hair-do but I think I'm gonna try my own version of this - with out shaving my head- takes too damn long to grow!!! Hopefully I'll be transformed from a 'please don't look my way' to 'watch me nowww!' hahaha
Me cassiefied!! Me amor. . obrigada tunafish!
You do well! Good luck! :)
woooooo i'd do ya! lmao at da munchkin in the background
damn that looks so lush well done
I like it!
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