Sooo yesterday was Mother's day here in the UK! :) after spending weeks surrounded by adverts and hundreds of mothers day cards in the shops- I had been pooing myself about what I was gonna buy my mamma etc etc... It's not until you get to the day that you realise that all she wants is to spend some quality time with the people she loves aka ... me! And not do the washing up!!
After hearing of a few people that had died quite recently, one being a friend from uni's mum ! I counted my blessings and thought I would sacrifice a day's studying, take the day off work and take my mamma out for the whole day... make memories!!! Cooked her a full course breakfast and then off we went. 1st stop- shopping ... got her a top. 2nd stop Trafalgar Sq... where we were swamped by a St. Patrick's day party! We squeezed through the drunkard Irish (no offense but they know how to drink!) and wondered into the art gallery...where we got lost -probably cos I picked up the Japanese guide! So finally I took my mum for dinner at Guanabara for a change, where we went for Fishy's 21st bday last yr :D. Great Brazilian restaurant / bar / club. THIS is where the embarrassment comes in!!! After our Caipirinha and starter... a guy comes up to us disturbing me from checking out the Brazilian hottie in the corner and says ...'Hey the forro dance lesson is starting now come onnn'
I love Guanabara cos I love Brazilian culture and there's always entertainment going on in this place so I wasn't surprised but what shocked me was my mum saying ...yes yes we are coming! So the dude dragged me up from my seat and my shy self was forced to the dance floor thanks to mother! Luckily there's another 20 people in the lesson too but as we had no partner - me and my mum had to dance together. It was hilarious but there were a few guys standing right by us just watching...and then they thought it would be nice to step in and show us where we were going wrong!!! whhyyy! If they were hot it could have been different but they were not! They took my hand and spun me around even though I was doing the man steps so they should have spun my mum round! CRIIIIIINGE!
Finally we were saved by our main course arriving and rushed back to the table.
Thinking bout it now the embarrassment could have been worse and given a few more cocktails I might have been taking myself to the dancefloor and selecting my own partner ;-) but lets save that scenario for a night with the girls and not mi madre .... hey ladies? lol
hhahahaha.... well u have been askin for a Brazillian guy! :P
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