30 March 2010
Oh my! Mr Maximus
And this is why I need a dominican man in my life, if you tell me you didn't jizz all over yourself (celie fingers) YOU A LIAR, you a damn liar. I found this video on one of my random emo days, (I can sit in front of the computer all day watching def poetry jam, snapping, shaking and crying at the screen while throwing hands in the air). So now I'm Facebook stalking this guy :) and I found his album is out today and it's free! YAY! Its an eclectic mix of ' electro-spaceship-carribean-hip hop- rap with a splash of R&B' and from this little sample I think I will be bumping it in my summer chillout playlist. Oh and MR Maximus if you're ever in london please feel free to give me a private show, if you want :)
29 March 2010
Who Are The Major Cock Blocks?!

I just wanted to to hit the topic of cockblocking which was previously mentioned by Stace.
Friday Night, we went out to celebrate the born day of one of our fave male fairies. The night was great. However, throughout the night, there were a few moments where I would take a break from dancing and observe what was going on around me. One thing I noticed was the guys game playin', on how they'd seduce / try and chat up a girl. I saw it happen many times that night... and most of the time it was that one same guy moving to a different girl every 5 minutes! (ok... I exaggerate, but you get my drift).
So, what they'd do is make eye contact with the girl first/get her attention, then move near to her dancing, make conversation (though I doubt anything too deep as the music is too loud -so I'm guessing a compliment of some sort) then out comes the phone to retrieve the girls number... WHAM BHAM BOB'S YOUR UNCLE!!!!
Anyways, so the night ended and we are all making our way home and we notice one of our male friends had reeled in a prey... we are happy for him, so we get excited amongst ourselves.
He gets his number and we continue our journey... then he calls us a bunch of cockblocks (the girls) - due to our excitedness.
Now..... the definition of a cockblock according to the urban dictionary is...
''To interfere with someone who is getting acquainted with, conversing with, or hooking up with a member of the opposite sex ''
Now... he ended up getting the girls number and even conversing with her a little, one on one on the way home.... if we were mean...well... you know lol.
But thinking about it... I kinda agree with him. Going out with the opposite sex /group of the opposite sex is actually a big cockblock to yourself. You would not get approached as an individual may assume that one of the members of your group is your boyfriend/girlfriend. Better yet... the person you are trying to score may seem a little bit intimidated by your friend/group of friends, which may cause them to be a little stand offish...I would.
Also... I figured out who is the biggest cockblock in my life......
I complain about why I'm still single (other than by choice) and that finding a guy is hard...etc;
But really and truly... when I sit and think about it, I am the biggest cockblock to myself. I do get approached but most often, I assume the guy is practically waste, and never really give them a chance.... However... I'm changing this... though if you actually do look seriously waste.. don't even think of looking my way...
Night Amiga's
Its time we took control! seduction!xx
I was actually looking for a naughty video but came across this dude... we already know these tips but he is hott and funny!!!
28 March 2010
Birthday Bash!

Night Outs
24 March 2010
I'm slightly concerned about what I stumbled across... A slight creepy advert I think:
O-kay then....
first designer pussies and now vaginal cologne.
The advert is too creep for my liking.
I actually need to get ready for my driving lesson now.
I Want Wedges!!!!
Shoes will definitely be the death of me.
Oh well... at least I would die happy! :)
I intend to expand my shoe collection... I see it as an investment to be honest.
My wedge wants;
Yves Saint Laurent Platform Pumps
TopShop Chiffon Tie Wedges

Aldo Lace/buckle Open Toe Wedges

Aldo Strapped Wedges

If I had my own way, I'd wear nothing but shoes....
p.s. Reggie Bush is single.....mmmmmmmmmm

22 March 2010
Its snowing in spring
Okay no it's not, but for real I saw these pictures of my favourite snowman Shia Lebouef. Mmmmmhhhhhhh he makes this lil' chocolate girl's yoni rise
I think it was somewhere between 'I-Robot' and 'A guide to recognizing your saints' that I realised, that I could possibly hit that, he's one of those white boys that I could handle. MEEEEOOOOWWWWWNNN
SuperWoman & Tuna's Road Trip Music Compilation
Joblessness Part 1:
SuperWoman & Xuna's Road Trip Music Comp from Xuna on Vimeo.
mini FASHION SHOW westfields

21 March 2010
Shake A Leg...
It's been too damn long.
Yesterday we went out to celebrate a friend's 22nd birthday at Loop bar in Bond Street.
Twas amazing.... I have been cooped up indoors and never really venture past my area due to deadlines. But last night was great!
Considering our lateness and the Ghanaian's home made water-proof cap.... lol we managed to make it on time for happy hour.... and we WAS VERY HAPPY INDEED!
We drank, we danced, we laughed, we had a good time... and now my feet is paying the price.... OUCH!!!
Oh yeah... got the dates of my friends trip to New York this spring... and my luck... it corresponds with my deadlines... I would be done and dusted.
Might be able to squeeze in a lil' trip to New York... what you think Aggie??!

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Night Outs,
18 March 2010
17 March 2010
I don't have a name.....and other fail proof put downs
Yes, technically I am supposed to be doing my disso but things that just need to be attended to keep popping up, such as.............................
I LMFAO so hard. Why? You ask, because Is've used almost all of those technique to politely tell someone to piss off ( I think I will be employing the 'I need to see my child' and the 'I haven't got a name' in the near future).
But honestly I feel bad for the guy, all that rejection in one hour....but please believe if he had approached me it would have been a 'yeah call me when my herpes flair up has calmed down' situation. Maybe us ladies are to picky....maybe that's why a hot piece of ass like myself is single.....maybe that is why brothers have given up on sisters.....pssshhhhh lets be real the wackness of your approach is a huge factor. I've been sucked into giving my number to guys I don't really find attractive purely on a 2 minute convo, if you make me laugh you're in there, what can I say I'm easy, (disclaimer: I am actually quite a hard nut to crack, if you see me walking around London, I'll have my bullshit blockers aka headphones in, a book, my phone and a demeanor which generally screams, if you talk to me there is a chance you might get shanked).
Anyway this show is epic, I could speak for hours on the tomfoolery of the concept, the guys, the approach and being in Wood Green and trying to draw/chirps/get gash, but I should actually do some work. But remember fellas if all else fails try, 'roses are red, violets are blue, I've got a knife, so get in the fuckin van.' lol
LMAO 'Claro Português?' i always get the Naija version.
You can watch the rest here
Thank you Jesus...............
See I always knew God had my back but today, chhheeeeeezzzzz I found out God really loves me.
Common+ basketball= EXCITEMENT IN MY PANTIES
16 March 2010
Talking bout shexy study buddies...

Hibernation Period!

I swear my eyes are turning square shaped from all this reading etc.
For a while I did think I was on top of my dissertation and on target....hmmm.. well let's just say I'm running a little behind. I got till the 30th April to turn it in.
Yeah that seems like it's time away, but when you have a little problem that I have called Procrastination, you end up doing random things other than your work, such as.....
styling a mannequin for no apparent reason!
- Oh and picking up some make up tricks from meek~n~mild™, And there's me thinking I knew make up lol.... I really know nothing....
I think I need a shexy study buddy to motivate me! ;)
... I also realised that its not a good idea for me to stay at home and study. Why?!
studying em casa = Eating excessively just because the kitchen is there.
Not a good if I wanna be in tip top shape for Portugal 2010!
Time for me to hit the Library!
Mais tarde xxx
15 March 2010
My Mothe'rs day embarrassment!

14 March 2010
11 March 2010
10 March 2010
Imma Be a Rock Star!
Omg!!! This Secrets /positive thinking stuff really does work! Since the new year started... I said to myself I was gonna learn to play the electric guitar this year... but never knew where I would get the money to buy one... (coz that ish is mad expensive).
Anyways... so yeah... I came home to day from our little money making shoot... and my lil' bro has an electric guitar in his room! Apparently his school was having a sale of all their old instruments coz they got new ones in.... and coz my bro is tight with the music department...
he got one for free. :D
its not the sexist looking one... but I'ma work with it for now! :D

I'ma chill out till midnight... do my procrastinating now... then bang out my work all night... in the mood for an all nighter tonight. Not like I got plans for tommorow.
The Shambolicness we got up to today:

Finally before I duss out.... look at what my mummy made for me! She's in the funniest mood right now... she hearts me.... :D

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Morning Yoni!
This was really meant to be written yesterday but though my yoni was awoken, I was dead tired lol.
Basically what I'm talking about is when you get a "suggestive" text from a guy and it makes you say HELLO! Lol. That's a morning call to your yoni. xoxo
About time...
I've been threatened by boo!coco that if I don't write on this blog she'll hurt me! And I kno she's true to her word and she will lol. So here goes...
Today I had a totally productive day, first uni- doing presentations and attempting essays. I've really gotta work on this essay writing thing cus I really can't be depending on people's help all the time but for now I shall keep my slaves lol. I also had a meeting to choose my modules for next year and I don't know how I managed it but I was 15 mins late and the room were it was taking place was just next door lol. It wasn't my fault though I have never in my life before had to go to that room so there lol. Later I met up with the chicas for our photoshoot!!!!!! (a la westfield's lol- these are minor details that once the money start rolling in we'll be telling this story whilst sipping champagne- hey!) but still it was fabolous! The fashion shoot brought out my inner diva- I WAS SASHA FIERCE lol. xoxo
Focus is key!
Quite proud of myself today... Feel like I'm on top of the world. I managed to find my phone after I thought I'd lost it for good:D Received a short phone call which made me smile all day ;) managed to sort out my dissertation questionnaire survey and get my tutors approval of it, did a few hundred words of my methodology, than finally got together with the girls and pull out some last minuite work which I'm pretty impressed with. I feel like wonder woman right about now lol.
Btw... Was really feelin' the ghanaian's Barry M nail varnish.. Will have to purchace that asap.

Anywhoodiloo, now back to watching SATC then beddy time for me.

Boa noite. Xxx
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8 March 2010
Uncles, Tonton, Kota, Tio, Oga....
Whatever they are called...why do they think its appropriate and necessary to ask my hand in marrige on the bus at 9.30am?! I was even scared to refuse in case he did some juju on me lol. First the midget.... Now this... Whats next???
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7 March 2010
Hahahahahah I took Our Blog Spot's 2010 Virginity!
Whoooooooo hoooooooo!!!
Our attempt on bloggin' ensemble has began! :D
I swear down, 2010 is our year girls... I feel this! lol. A time for new beginnings, new ways and a new look on life..... I see Travels, Monies and Agnes makin' it clap! lmao
Yeah yeah.... I know its March?!?! We're backwards like that! Our new year is starting now.
Anyways, I thought I get the ball rolling.
Yesterday evening was quite an eye opener for me in terms of my future aims and target goals at that lil' get-to-together a ' La Rosa, with me and Ghana's finest being the 'Rookies' of the club, I'm really glad I went along.
Throughout the evening I figured I need some sort of structure in my life, I need to get my mind into focus and set some weekly/fortnightly targets to meet, in order to gradually achieve my final goals in life, which I have done and now working towards!
But yeah... I'm feelin' really positive and so damn good! Thanks girls!
In the words of Nikki Minaj....''Ima bad bitch'' lol
Now, enough with the procrastination and back to work.
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OUR story...
The saying goes birds of a feather flock together and in our case it's more than the truth. The angolan (Tuna) and I, went to secondary school together, I avoided her like the plague but unfortunately, like herpes, she was contagious. The Kittian (Stacey), well we found her on a park bench and adopted her and the Ghanaian(Stella), like all good Chale boys, through mis-direction and a herpes infection found her way to us lol. Friendship is funny like that. But you have to love'em!
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