So Friday was D's delayed night out... and from what I remember and from the photo's, the nibbles were tasty. The music however.... I swear to God, the DJ was playing every track I HATE TO DEATH.
The fact that my feet wasn't hurting me at the end of the night just goes to show how bad he was!
Regardless of that, us girls were all together and that all that really matters, as we are the ones who make the party...
During the weekend, I started reading a new book bought for me by D called ''Kiss My Tiara'' by Susan Jan Gilman. The book is amazingly funny and is a great sum up of me and my girls and the way we go about our lives. It's sub-title:
How to rule the world as a smart mouth goddess!
The book is a funny guide which offers women an intelligent alternative to the negative messages we hear in life on everything including sex, money and politics.
And to top it up... she has the best quotes ever
''Right now, there are two things in my life that need to be done: me and my laundry. I want to marry a man who can do both!''

A book every woman must read
As well as that, Friday afternoon, me and my mum did some quick shopping in the Village at Westfields for gifts to send to my aunt and cousins.
With the amount of money we spent (£850) at Lancome and Church, we were showered with free-ness (or better known as gifts with purchases) such as Lancome 'definicils' Mascara and L'absolu Rouge lipstick which I love love love!!
Included in the gift bag was also some Lancome cleanser, make up remover, toner and sample perfumes.

And best of all... a Lancome make-up bag!

God I love freebies!!!
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I love that quote from the book! I knew I was onto a winner lol
Hum! That book looks interesting! I'll search for it!
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