It's New Year, 2012 baby! I'm sooo excited and I'm determined to make it a good one! There's so many things I want to achieve this year such as finally losing weight but I have realised I sometimes can let things go by the waist side. I'm currently reading a book my brother gave me called "Four Hour Body- An Uncommon guide to Rapid fat loss, Increadible sex and becoming
superhuman" by Timothy Ferriss. Even though it is a fitness/ diet book it is also more of a self-help book as it has great advice. This in particular stuck out to me:
Four principles of failure-proofing behaviour:
1. Make it conscious
2. Make it a game
3. Make it a competition
4. Make it small and temporary
I think this is great advice! If you are constantly aware of what you're trying to achieve and make it a competitive game of some sorts but small and for short period of time, you are more likely to suceed! Think about it, how much more are you motivated when you know when something depends on you suceeding or something is at stake if you don't! And you are more likely to do something if it small and only have to commit to temporarly.
Since I'm now fully aware of this, I shall not only be applying these principles to help my weight loss but all other areas of my life. If you want to see if the principles work, check out our other blog: You know you want to ;) !
Diva x
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